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Heating a Home

4 Common Heating Mistakes for Your New Baden, IL Home

Furnace Efficiency with Programmable Thermostat

An energy-efficient New Baden, IL home is comfortable and safe all year round. This includes the hot midwestern summers and the brutally cold winters that we all endure. As the colder weather approaches and temperatures begin to get colder, you will want to make sure that your home is properly heated. In this post, we will discuss how you can ensure that your home has the best energy consumption it can and ways to cut heating costs by avoiding four common home heating mistakes.

Heating an Empty Home

There is no need to heat your New Baden, IL home if you are at work for most of the day, or away for the weekend. A programmable thermostat allows you to set the proper temperatures throughout the day, allowing you to save money on energy bills.  You can also program it to warm up the house within several minutes before you return home.

Leaving Your Windows Unlocked

It’s not enough to just close your home’s windows. You want to make sure that you lock them as well to avoid losing more energy. A window that is not properly sealed will allow cold air from the outside to invade your home. It also will allow warm air to escape from your home to the outside world.

Leaving the Exhaust Fans On

Turn off the exhaust fans in the kitchen and bathroom as soon as you are done using them. The exhaust fans help eliminate moisture and smelly odors from your home, but you will not want to draw warm air out of your home for longer than absolutely necessary.

Heating System for House in New Baden IL

Don’t make the mistake of trying to heat your home faster by turning the thermostat up higher than it needs to be. Setting your device higher will have no effect on how fast your home begins heating up. Your system will simply end up running longer than expected. This will eventually lead to a higher utility bill.

Breathe new life into your home with a top-quality indoor HVAC upgrade. At Baer Heating & Cooling we are a premier source of heating and air conditioning solutions for those in the New Baden, IL area. Our team is here to help with all of your heating and cooling needs. If you need your HVAC system repaired or have a question about heating systems, give us a call today!



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